Chives - (Allium schoenoprasum)

Chives herb

This herb is a perennial herb. It gives a delicate hint of garlicky-oniony flavor to many different kinds of foods.
Chives has grasslike leaves with purple flowers, and it gives you the best taste before the plant flowers. Chives can grow up to 18 inches high. Grow Chives in a sunny location in rich, well-drained soil. Sow 3-4 weeks before last spring frost with about 12 inches between plants. The plant matures in about 80 days. When you harvest the leaves cut them off in clumps about half an inch from the ground.

The word chives (allium schoenoprasum), is adopted from the French cive which comes from the Latin, cepa meaning onion.

Chives are high in calcium, folic acid and vitamin A and C.

There are many ways to enjoy chives. Add it to vegetables, salads, soups, fish, potatoes, omelettes and egg dishes.

Part used: Leaves.

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